I loved seeing everyone’s Make Nine posts on Instagram at the beginning of the New Year. I hadn’t even thought about starting a sewing blog yet, but I jumped right on the Make Nine bandwagon! While narrowing my choices down to only Nine Makes was a bit tricky, I did finally manage it. I share my progress to date at the end of the post, so be sure to scroll to the bottom. Due to my fickle nature, I’m sure this list may change some throughout the year, but this is its current state:
2017 Make Nine
- 1. Grainline Studio Cascade Duffle Coat – Blog Post
- 2. Deer & Doe Datura Blouse
- 3. Jalie 3675 CHARLIE Bomber Jacket
- 4. Portage Cardigan by Melissa Schaschwary
- 5. Deer & Doe Belladone Dress
- 6. Swift Wreath Quilt
- 7. Deer & Doe Chardon Skirt
- 8. Imitation Fringe Supply Co. Field Bags
- 9. Colette Patterns Moneta Dress
Current Progress Report [as of April 29]
Firstly, it’s almost May now, and I’ve already finished 4 of my major sewing goals for the year! My finished items are: #1. Cascade Duffle Coat blogged HERE, #5. Belladone Dress, #8. Imitation Fringe Bags, and lastly, #9. Moneta Dress. I’m so happy with them all and am hoping to write up a quick blog post for each one in the near future.
In addition to finishing four of my Make Nine projects, I’ve also started on two others!
#6. Swift Wreath Quilt is my first ever quilt, and I’m loving the process sooo much. I’m making it with my favorite fabric collection which makes me love it even more. Because it’s supposed to be a Mother’s Day gift for my mom, I’m hoping to have it finished within the next few weeks. The other item I’m currently working on is #4. My Portage Cardigan. I was hoping to have this one finished in time for Me Made May, but knitting just takes so much longer than sewing. Nevertheless, I’m in love with the cardigan so far. The texture on the back is to die for!
In conclusion, I’ve found this exercise to be extremely motivating. Most of all, I feel that it truly helped me to get a clear direction for the year. As a result, I plan to start preparing a smaller version of a Make Nine list for each season. It seems as though it will help me to be better prepared, and therefore better dressed year round!
You have such good taste! These are all great items! What a great idea to make a list of makes for the year or the season to help organize everything. i really need to do this. The coat you made is amazing! It blows my mind that you made it! I hadn’t seen the Portage cardigan before, but now I think I need to add that to my queue to cast on. Thanks for sharing all of this with us. I look forward to following along and seeing what you make.